St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love

Year 6


Over the Spring term we will be looking at Antarctica and our investigative title is 'Could we survive in Antarctica?'.  This is a geography based topic, and we will be immersing ourselves in an enrichment Antarctica day coming up on Wednesday 24th January 2024. Please see the topic web (below) for further information about our learning this term.   

PE will be with Mrs Greenough on Monday afternoons practicing our netball skills. On Wednesday afternoons we will be honing our Tag Rugby skills in PE with Mr Jones.  Please ensure that the children come into school on these days wearing their school PE kit: shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), trainers, school jumper or fleece. 


Homework will be set weekly on a Friday and is expected to be handed into school the following Friday.  This work will be in CGP books that the school will provide for children. This gives the children a week to ensure it is completed. I will be available at lunchtimes should anyone need any further help with what has been set.  Homework will be set as a recap of learning so the children will have had lessons in school that relate to the home work set.  As well as the weekly work set (in the CGP books provided), children are also expected to participate in daily reading,  

 YEAR 6 CURRICULUM MAP 2023 -2024.pdfDownload
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 Meet the New Teacher 2023 - Y6.pptxDownload
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