St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love

Ofsted Reports

Please find below our most recent Ofsted report in which we were judged to be a 'GOOD' school in February 2020. 

Ofsted highlighted so many positive aspects of an education at St Margaret's including that:

‘This is a school where every child is nurtured and cherished.'


'Current leaders have embedded the aspiration to be excellent in all aspects of the school’s work.'


'Pupils are very safe and happy in this school, because it is a community where you are welcomed, whatever your background or needs.'


'Pupils behave very well.'


'Pupils study the national curriculum and enjoy a broad and balanced diet of learning each week. Learning is certainly engaging'


 'Outdoor learning plays a big part in pupils’ work'


'Parents are rightly confident that their children are safe at this school.'

Latest Ofsted Report for St Margaret's

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