St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love

This term we are journeying back to Ancient Egypt and exploring all about this fascinating Ancient super power! We will learn about hieroglyphics, how thery built the pyramids and will explore mummification and their beliefs about the afterlife! At the end of this half term, we will visit the exhibition and a workshop at Brighton Museum. More details to follow soon. 


PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays this term. On Monday, Mr Jones will lead the lesson (outside unless the weather is unsuitable) and on Thursday, the children are doing gymnastics inside with Mr De Marco. Please ensure that the children come into school wearing their school PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays: shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), trainers, school jumper or fleece. 


As explained at parent's consultations in the Autumn, we will not be setting regular formal homework to hand in, but there are a number of ways to support children's learning at home:

  • Regular reading. Read with your child at least weekly and encourage them to spend time reading every day if possible (even if just for 5 minutes). 
  • Reading journals were made by every child in September. It is great to see a number of these being shared in class regularly, but it would be great to see every child completing a book review or similar at least once a fortnight.
  • Spelling - Attached below is the Year 3 and 4 word list (words they should be confident in spelling by the end of Year 4). Children will be working through different spelling patterns throughout the year, but learning these words will also help. There are a number of creative ways for them to learn them. More information was given out at parent's evening. Please see me if you'd like another copy of this.
  • Times tables. Later this year, the class will undertake the national times table test in which they are expected to be confident using their times tables up to 12 x 12 =. Attached below are some resources and links you can use at home to help the children practice their times tables.


 YEAR 4 CURRICULUM MAP 2024 - 2025.pdfDownload
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